Lessons Learned
Areas to improve
Shoot wide - allow for crop. - Allow space above and below a person for crop factor.
Always take more than one shot when people are involved.
Have people look at who is taking key photo.
Be aware of background objects -including on the sides of the subject - move PoV or unwanted objects out of frame.
Where possible, keep people on same plane and use f/3.5-5.6 to decrease DOF.
Be aware of objects in front of lens - i.e., chords, fingers, etc.
Be aware of other photographer's location. Choose another POV if necessary.
Be aware of soft-box positions and mirror locations for unwanted reflections.
Carry multiple batteries for all flash/strobes.
Check batteries hourly and replace as necessary.
Keep ISO below 1200 and shutter speed above 1/100 - 1/250.
Keep distance at a minimum between the heads of subjects - i.e., get heads to remove gap (bench / children)
Meter hot spots when outdoors (if necessary use spot metering).
Bungee chord for cart.
Setup Snoot on Stand for ad-hoc portraits. (Leave off until needed)
Create sign to point requesting subjects look at camera.
Add 2nd Equipment Checklist for packing up
Carry black cloth to cover equipment when being stored
Use gray card more often
Verify background props (i.e. candles / photos) are facing the camera
Research leaving marketing materials.
Groomsmen shirt cuffs, jackets, etc checked
Check subjects close to each other - look for stretched out hands which may be out of frame
Review positions of posed, fun shots so not everyone is doing the same.
Add more variety of posed shots - formal and fun
Add more shallow DoF shots - use telephoto more (70-200)
Research Flash failures
What worked well
Communications with Client
Fun Poses
Planning (timeline) / scoping locations / pre-shoot
Being early for setup / testing equipment
Equipment Checklist
Verify focus - use loop
Dual photographers - ability to cover different locations
Assistant / lighting, gray card, reflector, etc.
Multiple camera positions - overall coverage
LED lighting boost
Reflector / Defuser